



1. 分母の総売上高とは、国内における資産の譲渡等(※)の対価の額の合計額をいいます(課税売上高と輸出による免税売上高、非課税売上高の合計額となります。)。→英訳では算式に含みました



2. 総売上高と課税売上高の双方には、 貸倒れになった売上高を含みます。また、売上げについて返品を受け、または値引、割戻し等を行った場合は、それらに係る金額を控除します。→下の英訳2

3. 総売上高と課税売上高の双方には、不課税取引、支払手段の譲渡(※)、特定の金銭債権の譲渡および国債等の現先取引債券(売現先)等の譲渡に係る売上高は含みません。→下の英訳3



4. 総売上高に加える特定の有価証券等および貸付金、預金、売掛金その他の金銭債権(資産の譲渡等の対価として取得したものを除きます。) の譲渡対価の額は、その譲渡対価の額の5パーセントに相当する金額とされています。→英訳6


Taxable sales ratio =
* Taxable sales do not include tax.

  1. Neither the denominator nor the numerator includes digital services or entertainment or sport services
  2. Both the denominator and the numerator include written-off sales. Sales do not include returns, discounts, or rebates.  
  3. Neither the denominator nor the numerator includes non-taxable sales, revenue from the transfer of instruments of payment or certain monetary claims, or revenue on bonds sold and repurchased under repurchase agreements.
  4. The denominator, however, includes a gain or loss on bonds purchased and resold under repurchase agreements, i.e., if the purchase price is greater than the resale price, the loss is included in the denominator.
  5. Neither the denominator nor the numerator includes sales from the transfer of cryptocurrencies.
  6. With respect to the transfer of certain securities, loans, deposits, accounts receivable and other monetary claims (excluding those received as consideration for the transfer of assets), 5% of the consideration for such transfer is included in the denominator. 


  • Neither the denominator nor the numerator includes the following:
    • digital services or entertainment or sport services
    • non-taxable sales, revenue from the transfer of instruments of payment or certain monetary claims, or revenue on bonds sold and repurchased under repurchase agreements
    • sales from the transfer of cryptocurrencies
  • Both the denominator and the numerator include written-off sales. Sales do not include returns, discounts, or rebates.
  • The denominator includes a gain or loss on bonds purchased and resold under repurchase agreements, i.e., if the purchase price is greater than the resale price, the loss is included in the denominator.
  • With respect to the transfer of certain securities, loans, deposits, accounts receivable and other monetary claims (excluding those received as consideration for the transfer of assets), 5% of the consideration for such transfer is included in the denominator.
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