

消費税には4つの取引区分があります。4つの取引について英語で説明しながら、語順非制限用法意味を調べるexempt の使い方についても書きました。Kei Narujima の税務英語豆知識を改訂しながら移行中。

I.   課税取引
IV. 免税取引

I. 課税取引 Taxable transactions


Japanese consumption tax ("JCT") is applied to the transfer or lease of assets or the provision of services carried out in Japan by enterprises as business for consideration. Therefore, most of the sale, transportation or advertising of products is subject to JCT. 

誤解を避けるため語順に注意:「国内において行う」→「in Japan」の場所に注意。
    1. carried out in Japan by enterprises as business 事業者が事業として日本で行う
    2. carried out by enterprises in Japan as business 日本の事業者が事業として行う
    3. carried out by enterprises as business in Japan 事業者が日本の事業として行う

II. 不課税取引 Transactions out of the scope of JCT


JCT is applied to the transfer or lease of assets or the provision of services carried out in Japan by enterprises as business for consideration and imports to Japan. Therefore, other transactions (e.g., foreign transactions, donations or gifts, which generally are not carried out for consideration, or dividends) are out of the scope of JCT. 
✕ 対価を得て行う贈与や寄附 
... donations or gifts, which generally are not carried out for consideration,  
〇 贈与や寄附(これらは通常対価を得て行われるものではない)
... donations or gifts which generally are not carried out for consideration

III. 非課税取引 Exempt (or non-taxable) transactions


Certain transactions are exempt from JCT (i.e., non-taxable for JCT purposes) even if they are carried out in Japan by enterprises as business for consideration but if they should not be subject to JCT for social, political or any other reason. Such transactions include the transfer of land, securities, or gift coupons, interest on deposits or loans, or medical services covered by national health insurance.

便利な用語:be exempt from ~
✕ JCT is exempt from exports. 間違いです。
〇 Exports are exempt from JCT.
✕ Social insurance medical care
〇 Medical services covered by national health insurance

IV. 免税取引 Zero-rated transactions(なぜ exempt ではなく zero-rated なのかはこちらをどうぞ。)


The export of goods and international transportation services, and their equivalents (e.g., the supply of services to enterprises in foreign countries) are zero-rated for JCT purposes

  • 消費税    Japanese consumption tax ("JCT")
  • 対価     Consideration 
  • 資産の譲渡  Transfer of assets
  • 資産の貸付け Lease of assets
  • 役務の提供  Provision of services, supply of services

Kei Narujima の税務英語豆知識から随時移行中です。

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税務英語 by Kei Narujima - 目次

税務英語の目次です♬ 会計税務英語五十音検索は こちら ! ところどころリンクが壊れてしまっています。 会計税務用語 給与 グループ通算 減価償却、償却資産税、固定資産税 源泉税 構成員課税 CFC税制 出向 消費税 ストックオプション 税務調査 組織再編 中小法人 同族会社 ビ...