1. 大法人(次の(1)から(3)に掲げる法人をいいます。以下「交際費等の損金不算入制度(措法61の4②)の中小特例の中小法人」において同じです。)との間にその大法人による完全支配関係がある普通法人
(1) 資本金の額または出資金の額が5億円以上の法人
(2) 相互会社および外国相互会社
(3) 受託法人
2. 普通法人との間に完全支配関係があるすべての大法人が有する株式および出資の全部をそのすべての大法人のうちいずれか一の法人が有するものとみなした場合においてそのいずれか一の法人とその普通法人との間にそのいずれか一の法人による完全支配関係があることとなるときのその普通法人(上記1に掲げる法人を除きます。)
Small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") are entitled to tax deductions for entertainment expenses. A company is an SME for such purposes if its stated capital (or if it has no capital, the amount calculated in a certain manner) is JPY100 million or less. A company that meets any of the below, however, is excluded from the definition of SMEs:
1. The company is 100% controlled by a large company. A company is a large company if any of the following applies:
(1) The company has stated capital of JPY500 million or more.
(2) The company is an insurance company.
(3) The company is a trustee subject to corporate income tax on income from the trust.
2. The company has 100% control group relationships with several large companies and if the shares of the company owned by these large companies were all owned by only one of these large companies, that large company would 100% control the company.
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