資産の取得価額 Acquisition cost |
減価償却の方法 Depreciation methods |
10万円未満 Less than JPY 100,000: Choose A, B or C |
A |
資産計上後、通常の減価償却 Depreciate in the general manner |
B |
事業供用時に全額損金算入 Immediately write off when the asset is made
available for business use |
C |
10万円以上 20 万円未満 JPY 100,000 to 200,000: Choose A or B |
A |
資産計上後、通常の減価償却 Depreciate in the general manner |
B |
20万円以上 JPY 200,000 or more |
資産計上後、通常の減価償却 Depreciate in the general manner |
30万円未満 Less than JPY 300,000 |
事業供用時に限度額内で一時損金算入(注) Immediately write off up to the limit when the asset
is made available for business use (see notes below.) |
2. 損金算入限度額は300万円。
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