
投資簿価修正2 Investment Adjustments





簿価純資産価額 =(資産の帳簿価額の合計額-負債の帳簿価額の合計額)x(その法人が有するその通算子法人の株式の数 / その通算子法人の発行済株式の総数)


訳例1 - 日本語に比較的忠実な訳

If a company ("shareholding company") of a group for Japanese group relief purposes has shares in another group company ("subsidiary") and the shareholding company transfers its shares in the subsidiary to a company outside the group (i.e., the subsidiary exits the group), the shareholding company must adjust its book value ("BV") of these shares to the same as the net asset book value ("NABV") of the shares as defined below while increasing or decreasing its retained earnings by the amount of the adjustment. As a result, the shareholding company does not recognize any gain or loss on the shares at the time of the transfer.  

NABV = (Total BV of assets - Total BV of liabilities) x % of shareholding in subsidiary

訳例2 - 英語らしい英語を目指した訳

Investment adjustments for Japanese group relief purposes are made upon the transfer of shares owned by a group company ("shareholding company") in another group company ("subsidiary") to a non-group company. The adjustments are made by increasing or decreasing the shareholding company's basis of the shares to make it the same as its net asset book value ("NABV") of the shares as defined below while increasing or decreasing its retained earnings by the amount of the adjustment. As a result, the shareholding company does not recognize any gain or loss on the shares at the time of the transfer.

NABV = (Total BV of assets - Total BV of liabilities) x % of shareholding in subsidiary

  • グループ通算  Japanese group relief 
  • 通算子法人   group subsidiary
  • 二重課税    double taxation
  • 二重控除    double deduction
  • 通算制度開始・加入前 start of, or joining, a/the group
  • 含み益     built-in gains
  • 帳簿価額    book value
  • 簿価純資産価額 book value of net assets, net asset book value (NABV)
  • 利益積立金額  retained earnings (for tax purposes)
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