
グループ通算 - 開始、加入、離脱



1.       開始、加入


The following net operating losses ("NOLs") and built-in losses ("BILs") of a corporation within a group for Japanese group relief purposes ("Group") are treated as described below if the corporation starts new business after the establishment of more-than-50% control relationship between the corporation and the group parent corporation: 

-      NOLs generated before the establishment of the more-than-50% control relationship: forfeited

-      BILs on certain assets owned since before the establishment of the more-than-50% control relationship, which are realized before the start of, or the corporation joining, the Group: forfeited    

-      BILs on certain assets owned since before the establishment of the more-than-50% control relationship, which are realized after the start of, or the corporation joining, the Group: non-deductible

2.       離脱



Certain assets owned by a corporation to exit a group for Japanese group relief purposes (“Group”) immediately before the exit are marked to market for the fiscal year immediately before the exit and the valuation gains and losses are recognized if the corporation is not expected to continue to carry on the main business after the exit.  


Certain assets owned by a corporation to withdraw from a group for Japanese group relief purposes (“Group”) immediately before the withdrawal are valued on a mark-to-market basis for the fiscal year immediately before the withdrawal and the valuation gains and losses are recognized if the corporation is not expected to continue to conduct the main business after the withdrawal.

  • グループ通算        group relief, group aggregation
  • グループ通算制度の適用開始 start (of) group relief
  • 通算グループへの加入    join a group (for group relief purposes)
  • 資産の時価評価       mark-to-market valuation of assets
  • 完全支配関係        100% controlling relationship

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