日本語 |
英語 |
区分記載請求書は消費税額を記載しなくてよいので端数処理ルールはなかった。 |
As rate classified invoices did
not have to show the amount of Japanese consumption tax ("JCT"), there
was no rule on how to treat JCT fractions. |
区分記載請求書では「購入した商品ごと」に端数処理を行うことが認められていた。 |
A rate classified invoice allowed
the rounding of JCT fractions to the nearest whole yen for each purchased
item. |
適格請求書では、端数処理のルールが定められているため(1請求書あたり、税率ごとに1回)、税率ごとに合計した対価の額に税率を乗じて消費税額を求める。 |
The qualified invoice rule,
however, provides that JCT fractions may be rounded only once for each
invoice and for each rate and that the JCT amount be calculated for each rate
by multiplying the total consideration for each rate by the applicable
rate. |
そのため軽減税率8%の商品の合計額と、標準税率10%の商品の合計額で、それぞれ1回ずつ端数処理を行う必要がある。 |
In other words, the total JCT
amount for each rate (i.e., 8% and 10%) has to be rounded to the nearest
whole yen only once respectively. |
端数処理は、四捨五入、切捨て、切上げなど任意の方法で行う。 |
The rounding may be done in any
manner, meaning that JCT fractions may be rounded up or down. |
- 請求書 invoice
- 区分記載請求書 rate-classified invoice
- 適格請求書(インボイス) qualified invoice
- 端数 fraction
- 軽減税率 reduced (tax) rate
- 標準税率 standard (tax) rate
- 四捨五入 round ~ to the nearest whole yen / to the nearest integer
- 切捨て round down ~ to the nearest whole yen / to the nearest integer
- 切上げ round up ~ to the nearest whole yen / to the nearest integer
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