






十 同族会社 会社(略)の株主等(略)の三人以下並びにこれらと政令で定める特殊の関係のある個人及び法人がその会社の発行済株式又は出資(その会社が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の百分の五十を超える数又は金額の株式又は出資を有する場合その他政令で定める場合におけるその会社をいう。

Family Company

Japanese Corporate Tax Act  ("CTA") Article 2, subparagraph 10 - Definition of a Family Company 

A company is a Family Company if three or less than three Shareholder Groups (see below for a definition) of the company own more than 50% of the number or amount of outstanding shares of the company.

A Shareholder Group (株主グループ) consists of a shareholder of the company and individuals and/or corporations with special relationship with that shareholder.



一 株主等の親族

二 株主等と婚姻の届出をしていないが事実上婚姻関係と同様の事情にある者

三 株主等(個人である株主等に限る。次号において同じ。)の使用人

四 前三号に掲げる者以外の者で株主等から受ける金銭その他の資産によって生計を維持しているもの

五 前三号に掲げる者と生計を一にするこれらの者の親族  

2. 法第二条第十号に規定する政令で定める特殊の関係のある法人は、次に掲げる会社とする。

一 同族会社であるかどうかを判定しようとする会社(略)の株主等(略)の一人が他の会社を支配している場合における当該他の会社

二 判定会社株主等の一人及びこれと前号に規定する特殊の関係のある会社が他の会社を支配している場合における当該他の会社

三 判定会社株主等の一人及びこれと前二号に規定する特殊の関係のある会社が他の会社を支配している場合における当該他の会社

Special relationship

CTA Enforcement Order
Article 4 - Definition of individuals or corporations with special relationship with a shareholder

1.  For the purposes of determining whether or not a company is a Family Company as defined in CTA Article 2, subparagraph 10, an individual has special relationship with a shareholder of the company if any of the following applies:

(1)   The individual is a relative of the shareholder.

(2)   The individual is not married to the shareholder but effectively has a marital relationship with the shareholder.

(3)   The individual is an employee of the shareholder and the shareholder is an individual.

(4)   The individual is not (1), (2), or (3), but relies on the shareholder for financial support and the shareholder is an individual.

(5)   The individual is a relative of someone who shares the same household with any of those provided in (2), (3), or (4).

2.  For the purposes of determining whether or not a company is a Family Company as defined in CTA Article 2, subparagraph 10, a corporation has special relationship with a shareholder of the company if any of the following applies:

(1)   More than 50% of the corporation is owned by the shareholder (i.e., the corporation is a subsidiary of the shareholder).

(2)   More than 50% of the corporation is owned by the shareholder and the subsidiary as defined in (1) (i.e., the corporation is a second-tier subsidiary of the shareholder).

(3)   More than 50% of the corporation is owned by the shareholder, the subsidiary as defined in (1), and the second-tier subsidiary as defined in (2).


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