






Group depreciation allows assets with an acquisition cost of JPY 100,000 or more and less than JPY 200,000 to be combined into a pool so that such assets are depreciated and deducted (for tax purposes) not on a separate basis but on a group basis over the three fiscal years from the fiscal year in which they start to be used. Group depreciation is available to every company.

Small asset write-off allows an asset whose acquisition cost is less than JPY 300,000 to be fully written off and deducted (for tax purposes) for the fiscal year in which the asset starts to be used subject to certain conditions. This is a special tax program for small and medium-sized enterprises and available to total acquisition costs of up to JPY 3 million a year. 
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税務英語 by Kei Narujima - 目次

税務英語の目次です♬ 会計税務英語五十音検索は こちら ! ところどころリンクが壊れてしまっています。 会計税務用語 給与 グループ通算 減価償却、償却資産税、固定資産税 源泉税 構成員課税 CFC税制 出向 消費税 ストックオプション 税務調査 組織再編 中小法人 同族会社 ビ...