









A company is a family company under Japanese Corporate Tax Law if any of the following tests applies:

1. Shareholding test: Three or less shareholders of the company and their related parties* have more than 50% of total number of outstanding shares or total amount of contributed capital of the company.

2. Voting right test: Three or less shareholders of the company and their related parties* have more than 50% of total number of voting rights (excluding those owned by shareholders who cannot exercise the rights) of the company. 

3. Number of partners test: In the case of the following three types of companies, three or less shareholders (meaning partners) of the company and their related parties* account for more than 50% of total number of partners (or managing partners if the company appoints such partners) of the company:
  • Gomei Kaisha - a company which is similar to a general partnership
  • Goshi Kaisha - a company which is similar to a limited partnership
  • Godo Kaisha - a company which is similar to an LLC, often referred to as "GK"   

  • 株主   shareholder
  • 議決権  voting right
  • 議決権を行使する exercise voting rights
  • 合名会社 Gomei Kaisha - a company which is similar to a general partnership
  • 合資会社 Goshi Kaisha - a company which is similar to a limited partnership
  • 合同会社 Godo Kaisha - a company which is similar to an LLC, often referred to as "GK"  
  • 社員   member, partner
  • 業務を執行する社員 member/partner who operates the business
  • 同族会社 family company

* 「同族関係者=特殊の関係のある個人及び法人」については別途書きます。

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税務英語 by Kei Narujima - 目次

税務英語の目次です♬ 会計税務英語五十音検索は こちら ! ところどころリンクが壊れてしまっています。 会計税務用語 給与 グループ通算 減価償却、償却資産税、固定資産税 源泉税 構成員課税 CFC税制 出向 消費税 ストックオプション 税務調査 組織再編 中小法人 同族会社 ビ...