


1. 法人設立届出書 設立の日以後2か月以内に定款の写しの添付とともに提出
Notification of incorporation / notification of establishment of company
The company must file this form within two months from the date of incorporation with copies of the articles of incorporation.

2. 給与支払事務所等の開設届出書 国内で会社や個人が新たに給与の支払を始めて源泉徴収義務者となる場合に提出
Notification of establishment of salary paying office
The company (and individual) must submit this form if it starts paying salaries in Japan and becomes a withholding agent.

3. 消費税課税事業者届出手続(基準期間用) 基準期間の課税売上高が1,000万円を超えて課税事業者となる場合に提出
Notification of becoming taxable enterprise for consumption tax purposes
The enterprise must file this form when its taxable sales for the base period* exceed JPY10 million.
* Two years before the current fiscal year

4. 青色申告の承認申請書 設立第1期目から青色申告の承認を受ける場合は、設立の日以後3か月を経過した日と設立第1期の事業年度終了の日のいずれか早い日の前日までに提出
Application for filing blue form tax returns
The company must file submit this application before the day three months after the date of establishment or the end of its first fiscal year, whichever is earlier, in order for the company to file blue form tax returns from the first fiscal year. 

5. 棚卸資産の評価方法の届出書 設立第1期の事業年度の確定申告書の提出期限までに提出
Notification of inventory valuation method
The taxpayer must file this form by the due date for filing the final tax return for its first fiscal year.

6. 減価償却資産の償却方法の届出書 設立第1期の事業年度の確定申告書の提出期限までに提出
Notification of depreciation method for depreciable assets
The taxpayer must file this notification by the due date for filing the final tax return for its first fiscal year.

7. 有価証券の一単位当たりの帳簿価額の算出方法の届出書 有価証券を取得した日の属する事業年度の確定申告書の提出期限までに提出
Notification of method for calculating per share book value of securities
The taxpayer must submit this form by the due date for filing the final tax return for the fiscal year in which it acquired the securities.

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