- 対象となる外国子会社は、内国法人の持株割合が25%(租税条約により異なる割合が定められている場合は、その割合)以上で、保有期間が6月以上の外国法人
- 外国子会社から受け取る配当の額の95%相当額を益金不算入(配当の額の5%相当額は、その配当に係る費用として益金に算入)
Japanese foreign dividend exclusion system excludes 95%* of dividends Japanese corporations receive from their foreign subsidiaries from the calculation of the taxable income of such Japanese corporations if both of the following apply:
- The Japanese corporation has 25% of the shares in the foreign subsidiary (or another percentage if that is provided by the relevant tax treaty) or greater; and- The Japanese corporation has owned the foreign subsidiary for six months or longer.
* The remaining 5% is considered an expense related to the dividends and included in the taxable income of the Japanese corporation.
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