法人実効税率 effective tax rate
租税負担割合 effective tax rate (for purposes of Japanese controlled foreign company rules)
The effective tax rate of a company is the percentage of the sum of national corporate income tax, local corporate income tax, local corporate inhabitant tax, and local corporate enterprise tax to the taxable income of the company.
租税負担割合とは、外国関係会社の本店所在地国の法令により計算した所得の金額に対 して課される租税の額を、その課税標準に一定の調整を加えた金額で除した割合である。
The effective tax rate of a foreign related company for purposes of Japanese controlled foreign company (CFC) rules is the percentage of the foreign tax levied by the country in which the company is located to the tax basis of the company with certain adjustments.
租税負担割合は外国子会社合算税制で使われる用語なので、その説明(for purposes of Japanese controlled foreign company rules)が必要な場合があります。
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