


適用対象 Covered companies

- 親会社と、それが直接間接に100%の株式を保有するすべての子会社(外国法人を除く)
- 制度の適用は、選択制。ただし、一旦選択した場合は、継続適用
- A parent company and its direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries (excluding foreign companies)
- Covered taxpayers may elect to file a consolidated return. Once elected, however, consolidation is mandatory.

申告・納付 Filing and payment

- 親会社が法人税の申告・納付を行う
- 子会社は連帯納付責任を負い、個別帰属額等を記載した書類を税務署に提出
- The parent company files and pays corporate income tax.
- Subsidiaries are jointly and severally liable to pay the tax. They also must submit documents stating their respective tax amount to the tax office.

所得、税額の計算 Calculation of income and tax

- 連結グループ内の各法人の所得金額に所要の調整を行った連結所得金額に税率を乗じ、さらに必要な調整を行った後に連結税額を求める
- The consolidated tax amount is calculated by multiplying consolidated income by the applicable tax rate with certain adjustments. The consolidated income is the total income of consolidated group companies with the necessary adjustments.

内部取引の扱い Treatment of internal deals

- 連結グループ内の法人間で一定の資産を譲渡した場合の譲渡損益は、その資産の連結グループ外への移転等の時まで繰延べ
- Capital gains or losses on the transfer of certain assets within a tax consolidated group are deferred until the assets are transferred outside the group.

適用開始、加入時の資産評価 Asset valuation at the start of, or at the time of joining, tax consolidation

- 適用開始又は加入に際しては、当該法人の資産を時価評価し、評価損益を計上
- The assets of the company are marked to market and valuation gains or losses on such assets are recognized.

連結納税     tax consolidation, consolidated tax
個別帰属額    the tax amount of each group company 「帰属」を訳す必要はありません。
譲渡損益の繰延べ deferral of capital gains or losses
適用開始又は加入 at the start of, or at the time of joining, tax consolidation
時価評価     mark-to-market valuation

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税務英語 by Kei Narujima - 目次

税務英語の目次です♬ 会計税務英語五十音検索は こちら ! ところどころリンクが壊れてしまっています。 会計税務用語 給与 グループ通算 減価償却、償却資産税、固定資産税 源泉税 構成員課税 CFC税制 出向 消費税 ストックオプション 税務調査 組織再編 中小法人 同族会社 ビ...