








A share distribution is deemed to tax qualify subject to the conditions below.

-     A business reorganization plan of the distributing company is certified under the Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act (the “Act”) from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

-     The share distribution is made as a specified share distribution* under the Act.

-     The share distribution distributes part of the shares of a company wholly owned by the distributor immediately before the distribution (the “wholly-owned subsidiary”).(ここが2)

-     The share distribution meets the tests below.

* A share distribution is specified if the distribution is made out of the distributor’s retained earnings in the form of shares in a related business or a foreign related company of the distributor.(ここが1)





Shares in the wholly-owned subsidiary are distributed to shareholders pro rata to their shareholding or amount of capital.


The percentage of the number of shares or the amount of capital of the wholly-owned subsidiary owned by the distributor immediately after the share distribution to the total number of shares or the total amount of capital of that subsidiary is less than 20%.


従業者継続従事要件は、認定株式分配に係る完全子法人のその認定株式分配の直前の従業者のうち、その総数のおおむね90%以上(本則: 80%以上)に相当する数の者がその完全子法人の業務に引き続き従事することが見込まれていること。

The same tests as those for a qualified share distribution (i.e., the non-controlling test, the specified director continuity test, the main business continuity test, and the strengthened* employee continuity test) are met.

* The required percentage of employees expected to continue to be engaged is 90% or more (not 80% or more).


(1)     完全子法人の特定役員(社長、副社長、代表取締役、代表執行役、専務取締役若しくは常務取締役又はこれらに準ずる者で法人の経営に従事している者をいう。)に対して、新株予約権が付与され、又は付与される見込みがあること。

(2)     完全子法人の主要な事業(事業再編計画の認定を受けて行う特定剰余金配当の直前に行われていることが見込まれている ものに限る。以下同じ。)を開始した日から事業再編計画の認定の申請の日までの期間が10年以内であること。

(3)     完全子法人の主要な事業の成長発展が見込まれるものであることにつき、金融商品取引業者が確認したこと。

The wholly-owned subsidiary’s business satisfies any of the tests below provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a business expected to grow.

(1)   Stock options are (expected to be) granted to specified directors of the subsidiary (i.e., the president, vice presidents, representative directors or those similar to any of these).

(2)   An application for certification of the business reorganization plan is filed within ten years from the start of the main business of the wholly-owned subsidiary (expected to be carried out immediately before the distribution).

(3)   A financial instruments business operator  has confirmed that the main business of the wholly-owned subsidiary is expected to grow and develop.

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