


法人税法上、損金算入される減価償却費の額は、以下のいずれか少ない方の金額で ある。
  • 償却限度額 - 税法に基づき計算された金額(つまり税務上の償却額)
  • 償却費として損金経理した金額 - 決算で減価償却費として経理した金額(つまり会計上の償却額)
1. 償却不足額 - 決算で計上した償却費(会計上の償却額)が償却限度額(税務上の償却額)に満たない場合の不足額
(1) 償却不足額は損金算入できない。
(2) 翌期の償却限度額に繰り越しすることもできない。
(3) 償却不足額は(税務上の)帳簿価額に残留し、耐用年数経過後に償却費として損金経理(会計上の償却額として計上)すれば損金算入できる。
(4) ただし、前期以前に償却超過額が生じている資産は、償却不足額の範囲内でその繰越償却超過額を当期の損金に算入できる。

2. 償却超過額 - 損金経理した減価償却資産の償却額(会計上の償却額)がその償却限度額(税務上の償却額)を超える場合の超過額
(1) 損金算入不可。
(2) ただし、翌年度以降において損金経理した償却額(会計上の償却額)とみなされ、各事業年度の償却限度額(税務上の償却額)より少ない償却をした場合のその差額を限度として損金算入できる。

3. 税務上の償却限度額を計算する場合の基になる期首簿価は「税務上の期首簿価」

Japanese corporate tax ("CTL") law limits the tax deduction of depreciation ("tax depreciation limit") to either of the following amounts, whichever is smaller:
  • Tax depreciation - depreciation calculated in accordance with tax law
  • Accounting depreciation - depreciation recognized on financial statements 
CTL treats the difference between tax and accounting depreciation as follows:

1. If accounting depreciation is less than tax depreciation

The difference (i.e., tax depreciation minus accounting depreciation; "excess tax depreciation") is non-deductible and may not be carried forward, but remain as part of the tax book value of the asset. The excess tax depreciation may be allowed as a tax deduction when it is recognized as depreciation for accounting purposes after its useful life.

If, however, the asset has carried-forward excess accounting depreciation from prior fiscal years, the carried-forward excess accounting depreciation may be allowed as a tax deduction for the fiscal year up to the excess tax depreciation.

2. If accounting depreciation is greater than tax depreciation

The excess accounting depreciation for a fiscal year is non-deductible and added back to taxable income for the fiscal year but may be carried forward and deducted for a subsequent fiscal year where tax depreciation exceeds accounting depreciation up to the excess amount.

The tax book value ("BV") of an asset at the beginning of a fiscal year, which is used to calculate tax depreciation for that fiscal year, is the sum of the following:
  • Accounting BV of the asset at the beginning of the fiscal year 
  • Carried-forward excess accounting depreciation
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