

法人を設立する場合の届出書類について、国税庁サイトでは以下のように説明されています。英語にしてみました。(Please note that foreign residents may need to file other forms.)


1. Required reporting  

The form must be submitted to the tax office with jurisdiction over the place of tax payment of the corporation within two months from the date of establishment together with copies of the articles of incorporation of the company. A corporation is a Japanese corporation if it has the head or main office in Japan.

(2) Withholding income tax related notifications
  • Notification of establishing sole proprietorship (in Japanese only): If an individual starts a new business or establishes an office to conduct business in Japan, the individual files this notification. If an individual submits the notification, he or she does not have to file a Notification of Establishment of a Salary-Paying Office.    
  • Application for Approval Made in Relation to the Special Provision for Due Dates for Withholding Income Tax: Generally, taxpayers must pay income tax they withhold from a salary on or before the tenth day of the month following the salary payment. By filing this application, however, a taxpayer with less than ten regular employees may pay tax semi-annually, i.e., tax withheld from January to June of a year on or before 10 July of that year and tax withheld from July to December of a year on or before 20 January of the following year. 
(3) Japanese consumption tax related notifications (to be expanded)

2. Required reporting if applicable

The filing deadline of the application for the filing of blue form returns from the first fiscal year is the earlier of the date three months after the date of establishment or the end of the first fiscal year. If such a deadline falls on a holiday, the deadline is the following day. 

These notifications must be filed by the filing deadline of the final tax return for the first fiscal year.  

This notification must be filed by the filing deadline of the final tax return for the fiscal year in which the securities are acquired.  


1. 法人 company、corporation など
国によって定義が異なるので(米国の C corporation 等)、company と corporation を区別することに意味はありません。

2. 届出書類 notification、form など

3. (~の納税地の)所轄税務署長
the tax office with jurisdiction over the place of tax payment of ~
the competent tax office of ~ など。 

4. 定款、寄付行為、規則又は規約等
要は定款のことなので articles of incorporation。articles は複数です。

5. ~の写し
一通なら a copy of ~、二通以上なら copies of ~。the copy of ~ではありません。

6. 源泉徴収義務者 withholding agent

7. 給与 色々な言い方があります。こちらをご覧ください。

8. A か B のうちいずれか早い日 the earlier of A or B



1 法人を設立した場合、次の届出書の提出をしなければなりません。
(1) 法人設立届出書 

(2) 源泉所得税関係の届出書 






(3) 消費税関係の届出書
「コード6629 消費税の各種届出書」を参照して下さい。

2. 法人を設立した場合には、必要に応じて、次のような申請書や届出書を納税地の所轄税務署長に提出します。

(1) 青色申告の承認申請書 

(2) 棚卸資産の評価方法の届出書 

(3) 減価償却資産の償却方法の届出書 

(4) 有価証券の一単位当たりの帳簿価額の算出方法の届出書 

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English follows Japanese. 交際費課税の概要についてです。( 交際費から除外される飲食費の基準の改正について反映しました。 ) 他のトピックについては 目次 からどうぞ!