


(1) 発行済み株式または出資の2分の1以上を同一の大規模法人に所有されている法人
(2) 発行済み株式または出資の3分の2以上を大規模法人に所有されている法人


A company with capital stock or capital contribution of JPY100 million or less is generally a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), but an SME is deemed as a large company if any of the following conditions is met:
(1) At least a half of the outstanding shares or capital contribution is owned by a single corporation which meets any of the conditions below.
(2) At least two thirds of the outstanding shares or capital contribution is owned by one or more than one corporation which meets any of the conditions below. 
- It has capital stock or capital contribution of greater than JPY100 million;
- It has no capital or capital contribution but has more than 1,000 regular employees; 
- It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a corporation with capital stock or capital contribution of at least JPY500 million or of an insurance company with more than 1,000 regular employees; or
- Its outstanding shares or capital contribution is wholly owned by more than one corporation within the group with capital stock or capital contribution of at least JPY500 million or by more than one insurance company with more than 1,000 regular employees.   

みなす    deem
中小企業   small and medium-sized enterprise / SME
資本金    capital stock, share capital, stated capital
出資金    capital contribution 
相互会社   insurance company
発行済み株式 outstanding shares

発行済み株式は要注意です。自己株式等が除かれている場合が多いため、英語ではほとんどの場合「outstanding shares」となります。

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