

  • 下表のAからDまでの要件に該当するもの
  • A及びEの要件に該当するもの




A.  事業関連性要件

Business relatedness test


Any of the major businesses carried out by the disappearing company before the merger is related to any business carried out by the surviving company before the merger.

B.  事業規模要件

Business size test


The sales, the number of employees, the amount of stated capital, or anything similar to any of these (“size”) of the surviving company is within a factor of approximately five of that of the disappearing company.

C.  被合併事業の規模継続要件

Business continuity test of the merged business


The tests below are both met.

-    The merged business is continuously carried out from the most recent time of establishment of more-than-50% ownership between the merged and merging companies  to immediately before the merger.

-    The size of the merged business at the most recent time of establishment of more-than-50% ownership between the merged and merging businesses is within a factor of approximately two of that immediately before the merger.

D.  合併事業の規模継続要件

Business continuity test of the surviving business


The tests below are both met.

-    The surviving business is continuously carried out from the most recent time of establishment of more-than-50% ownership between the merged and merging companies to immediately before the merger.

-    The size of the surviving business at the most recent time of establishment of more-than-50% ownership between the merged and merging businesses is within a factor of approximately two of that immediately before the merger.

E.  特定役員引継要件

Specified director continuity test


Any of the specified directors of the merged company before the merger (i.e., the president, vice presidents, representative directors or those similar to any of these engaged in the management of the company) and any of such directors of the surviving company are expected to be specified directors of the surviving company after the merger.

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税務英語 by Kei Narujima - 目次

税務英語の目次です♬ 会計税務英語五十音検索は こちら ! ところどころリンクが壊れてしまっています。 会計税務用語 給与 グループ通算 減価償却、償却資産税、固定資産税 源泉税 構成員課税 CFC税制 出向 消費税 ストックオプション 税務調査 組織再編 中小法人 同族会社 ビ...