
適格請求書 - 登録番号がないときの対応




売手の対応 How sellers deal with delayed issuance of QI issuer registration number



1. 10月になっても、登録番号の通知がない。 

A registration number for the issuance of qualified invoices (“QIs”) is still unavailable in October 2023.



Available solutions for the seller

(1) 事前にインボイス交付が遅れる旨を先方に伝え、 通知後にインボイスを交付。

(2) 通知を受けるまでは登録番号のない請求書等を交付し、通知後に改めてインボイスを交付し直す。

(3) 通知後にすでに交付した請求書等との関連性を明らかにした上で、インボイスに不足する登録番号を書類やメール等で知らせる。

(1) Notify the buyer of late issuance of invoices and issue QIs after obtaining the number.

(2) Issue invoices with no registration number. After obtaining the number, re-issue invoices (i.e., QIs).

(3) Issue invoices with no registration number. After obtaining the number, notify the buyer of that number and any reference information that identifies the relevant invoice in writing or by email.

2.  小売店だと後で交付は難しい

The reissuance of invoices is practically impossible (e.g., retailers)



Available solutions for the seller


(1) 事業者のHP等において登録番号を掲示し、相手方にそのページとレシートを併せて保存してもらう。又は

(2) 買手側からの電話等に応じ、登録番号を知らせ、相手方にその記録をレシートと併せて保存してもらう。

Notify the buyer of late issuance of QIs beforehand on the company’s website or in the store and do either of the following:

(1) Post the registration number on the website so that the buyer can retain a printout of the website page and receipts; or

(2) When receiving a call from a buyer, inform the buyer of the registration number and ask the buyer to keep the number with the relevant receipt.

買手の対応 How buyers deal with delayed issuance of QI issuer registration number 




The seller does not provide a registration number.



Available solutions for the buyer

(1) 事前にインボイス発行事業者の登録を受ける旨が確認できたときは、仕入税額控除可能。

(2) ただし、事後的に交付されたインボイスや登録番号の知らせを保存することが必要。保存できなかった場合、翌課税期間において仕入税額控除を調整できる。

(3) 基準期間における課税売上高が1億円以下又は特定期間における課税売上高が5千万円以下の事業者は、令和5101日~令和11930日までの間、税込1万円未満の課税仕入れについて、帳簿の保存のみで仕入税額控除が可能(「少額特例」)なので、上記対応は不要。

(1) The buyer may claim input JCT credits if it can confirm that the seller will be registered as a QI issuer.

(2) The buyer, however, is required to retain the late issued invoice or registration number. If the invoice or number is still unavailable in the following taxable period, the (overclaimed) input JCT credits may be corrected for the following taxable period (without filing an amended tax return.)

(3) A buyer may claim an input JCT credit on a taxable purchase of less than JPY 10,000 (see the note below for details) without a QI if it makes the purchase from 1/10/2023 to 30/9/2029 and if the buyer has:

- taxable sales of JPY 100 million or less for the Base Period; or

- taxable sales of JPY 50 million or less for the Specified Period



Note: Exemption of small taxable purchases from QI retention rule (See this for details.)


1万円(税込)は、一回の取引金額で判定し 1商品ではなく、1回の取引が1万円未満かで判断する。

【具体例123日に5千円の 商品を購入し、1210日に7千円 の商品を購入。特例対象としてインボイス保存は不要。

【具体例1210日に5千円の商品と7千円の商品(合計1 2千円)を同時購入。特例対象外のためインボイス保存が必要。

The determination of whether a taxable purchase is less than JPY 10,000 (including JCT) is based on whether or not the purchase in its entirety (not each item of the purchase) is less than JPY 10,000.


-  A purchase of an item of JPY 5,000 on December 3 and another purchase of a JPY 7,000 item on December 10: The retention of invoices is NOT required.

-  A purchase of an item of JPY 5,000 and another purchase of JPY 7,000 item on December 10: The retention of invoices is required.


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