
グループ通算制度 適用開始・加入前の欠損金額及び含み損等に係る制限




イ 支配関係発生後に新たな事業を開始した場合には、支配関係発生前に生じた欠損金額及び支配関係発生前から有する一定の資産の開始・加入前の実現損から成る欠損金額は切り捨てられるとともに、 支配関係発生前から有する一定の資産の開始・加入後の実現損に係る金額は損金不算入とされます 。

ロ 多額の償却費の額が生ずる事業年度に通算グループ内で生じた欠損金額については、損益通算の対象外とされた上で、特定欠損金額とされます。

ハ 上記イ又はロのいずれにも該当しない場合には、通算グループ内で生じた欠損金額のうち、支配関係発生前から有する一定の資産の実現損から成る欠損金額については、損益通算の対象外とされた上で、特定欠損金額とされます。


The utilization of NOLs and BILs generated before Group formation or joining a Group is limited as follows:  

The net operating losses ("NOLs") and built-in-losses ("BILs") generated by a company before the formation of, joining, a group for group relief purposes ("Group") is limited as described below until the earlier of the following dates if the company was exempt from mark-to-market asset valuation when the Group was formed or the company joined the Group:
  • the date five years from the date on which the controlling relationship* was established or 
  • the date three years from the date on which the Group was formed or the company joined the Group
The limitations, however, do not apply to companies which meet certain conditions, such as a company controlled* by the Group parent company for more than five years.

A. If the company starts new business after it becomes controlled* by the Group parent company, the NOLs generated, and the BILs realized before the Group formation or the company joining the Group on certain assets owned by the company since, before the establishment of the controlling relationship* are entirely forfeited. Also, the BILs realized after the Group formation or the company joining the Group on certain assets owned by the company since before the establishment of the controlling relationship* are fully non-deductible.

B. If a Group incurs significant depreciation expenses for a fiscal year, an NOL generated for that fiscal year may not be utilized to offset profits of the Group for that fiscal year. Also, the utilization of the NOL is limited to the company which generated that NOL**.    

C. If neither A nor B applies, the BILs realized for a fiscal year on certain assets owned by the company since before the establishment of the controlling relationship* may not be utilized to offset the profits of the Group for that fiscal year, and the utilization of the BILs is limited to the company which generated these BILs**. 

* 支配関係(controlling relationship)の定義についてはこちらをご参照ください。
** 特定欠損金についてはこちらをご覧ください。

  • グループ通算 group relief, group aggregation
  • 欠損金額   net operating loss ("NOL"), tax loss
  • 含み損    built in loss ("BIL")
  • (欠損金を)切り捨てる forfeit
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