
通算グループ内の法人の間の取引の損益調整 No.2

通算グループ内の法人の間の取引の損益調整 No.1の続きです。


(1) 内国法人(普通法人又は協同組合等に限ります。)がその有する譲渡損益調整資産をその内国法人との間に完全支配関係がある他の内国法人(普通法人又は協同組合等に限ります。)に譲渡したことにより生じた譲渡利益額又は譲渡損失額に相当する金額は、その譲渡した事業年度において損金の額又は益金の額に算入することとされています。



(注) 一定の資産とは、次に掲げる資産をいいます。
イ 売買目的有価証券
ロ その譲渡を受けた他の内国法人(その内国法人との間に完全支配関係がある他の内国法人に限ります。)において売買目的有価証券とされる有価証券
ハ その譲渡の直前の帳簿価額が1,000万円に満たない資産(通算法人が法人税法第61条の11第8項に規定する他の通算法人の株式又は出資を当該他の通算法人以外の通算法人に譲渡した場合を除きます。)

(2) また、繰り延べられた譲渡損益について、例えば次のような事由が生じたときには、所定の計算により算出した金額は益金の額又は損金の額に算入(戻入れ)することとなります。
イ その譲渡損益調整資産を取得した法人(譲受法人)が完全支配関係グループ内の他の法 人へその譲渡損益調整資産を譲渡したとき
ロ 譲受法人が完全支配関係グループ外の第三者へその譲渡損益調整資産を譲渡したとき
ハ 譲受法人においてその資産の償却、評価換え、貸倒れ、除却等を行ったとき
ニ その譲渡損益調整資産を譲渡した法人(譲渡法人)が一定の事由により譲受法人との間に完全支配関係を有しないこととなったとき
ホ 譲渡法人が通算制度の開始・加入・離脱等に伴う時価評価を行うこととなったとき





(1) Japanese corporate tax law requires that a gain or loss on the transfer of certain assets (see below for a definition) between Japanese companies must be deferred if one company is fully controlled* by the other. 

Certain assets are:   
- fixed assets;
- land as inventory assets (including rights on the land);
- securities;
- monetary claims; and 
- deferred assets;

excluding the following: 
- held for trading securities
- securities treated as held for trading securities by the transferee company
- an asset with book value immediately before the transfer of less than JPY10 million

The Japanese group relief rules allow only a Japanese company and other Japanese companies fully controlled by that Japanese company to form a Group. This means that Subsidiary1 and Subsidiary2 are both Japanese corporations and related through fully controlling relationship*. As such, the gain or loss on the asset transferred by Subsidiary1 to Subsidiary2 should be deferred for the fiscal year in which the transfer occurs. 

(2) Japanese corporate tax law also provides that if any of the following events occurs, the amount of the gain or loss calculated in a certain manner should be reversed and recognized:
A. The transferee transfers the asset to another Group company.
B. The transferee transfers the asset to a third-party company outside the group.
C. The transferee depreciates, revalues, writes off, or disposes of the asset.
D. The transferor ceases to have fully controlling relationship with the transferee for a certain reason.
E. The transferor becomes subject to mark-to-market asset valuation due to formation of, joining, or withdrawal from a Group.

This, however, does not apply if the transferred asset is shares or capital contribution in another Group company (other than a Group company exempt from the rules on the offsetting of current profits and losses or the Group parent company). The transferor may not recognize the gain or loss but instead has to add the gain to, or deduct the loss from, its retained earnings.

Therefore, if Subsidiary1 transfers to Subsidiary2 shares or capital contribution in another Group company (other than Subsidiary2, a Group company exempt from the rules on the offsetting of current profits and losses or the Group parent company), Subsidiary1 may not reverse or recognize the deferred gain or loss.

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