








Definition of a Family Company



A company is a Family Company if 3 or less than 3 Shareholder Groups (see below for a definition) of the company own more than 50% of the number of outstanding shares or the amount of contributed capital of the company.

A Shareholder Group (株主グループ) consists of a shareholder of the company and individuals and/or corporations with special relationship (see below for definitions) with that shareholder.


Definition of special relationship for individuals  

(1)   株主等の配偶者や子供等の親族

(2)   株主等と内縁関係(事実上婚姻関係と同様の事情)にある者

(3)   個人である株主等の使用人(法人株主の使用人は含まない。)

(4)   個人株主等から受ける金銭等により生計を維持している者(上記(1)から(3)以外の者)

(5)  上記(2)から(4)の者と生計を一にするこれらの者の親族


An individual has special relationship with the shareholder if any of the following applies:

(1)   The individual is a relative of the shareholder.

(2)   The individual is not married to the shareholder but effectively has a marital relationship with the shareholder.

(3)   The individual is an employee of the shareholder and the shareholder is an individual.

(4)   The individual is not (1), (2), or (3), but relies on the shareholder for financial support and the shareholder is an individual.

(5)   The individual is a relative of someone who shares the same household with any of those provided in (2), (3), or (4).


Definition of special relationship for corporations

(1)   株主等の1人(略)が他の会社を支配している場合における当該他の会社

(2)   株主等の1人と(1)の会社が他の会社を支配している場合における当該他の会社

(3)   株主等の1人と(1)及び(2)の会社が他の会社を支配している場合における当該他の会社

A corporation has special relationship with the shareholder if any of the following applies:

(1)     The corporation is controlled (see below for a definition) by the shareholder (i.e., the corporation is a subsidiary of the shareholder).

(2)     The corporation is controlled by the shareholder and the subsidiary as defined in (1) (i.e., the corporation is a second-tier subsidiary of the shareholder).

(3)     The corporation is controlled by the shareholder, the subsidiary as defined in (1), and the second-tier subsidiary as defined in (2).


Definition of control

(1)   他の会社の発行済株式又は出資の総数又は総額の50%を超える数又は金額の株式又は出資を有する場合

(2)   他の会社の次に掲げる議決権のいずれかにつき、その総数の50%を超える数を有する場合(以下略)

(3)   他の会社の株主等(合名会社、合資会社又は合同会社の社員に限る。)の総数の半数を超える数を占める場合

A company is controlled if any of the following tests applies:

(1)   Shareholding test: 3 or less shareholders of the company and their related parties have more than 50% of total number of outstanding shares or total amount of contributed capital of the company.

(2)   Voting right test: 3 or less shareholders of the company and their related parties have more than 50% of the total number of voting rights (excluding those owned by shareholders who cannot exercise the rights) of the company. 

(3)   Number of partners test: In the case of a Gomei Kaisha, a Goshi Kaisha, or a Godo Kaisha, 3 or less shareholders (meaning partners) of the company and their related parties account for more than 50% of total number of partners (or managing partners if the company appoints such partners) of the company.


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