税務調整 Tax adjustments |
↓ |
↓ |
決算調整 Adjustments on FS ↓ |
申告調整 Adjustments on tax
return ↓ ↓ |
↓ ↓ |
任意の申告調整 Voluntary
adjustments |
必須の申告調整 Mandatory
adjustments |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
1. 減価償却資産の償却費 Depreciation expense 2. 繰延資産の償却費 Amortization of deferred assets 3. 圧縮記帳の圧縮損 Loss on reduction entry 4. 引当金への繰入額 Provision
for allowances 5. 準備金の積立額 Provision
for reserves 6. リース譲渡による経理 Lease accounting |
1. 受取配当等の益金不算入 Dividends received deduction (domestic) 2. 外国子会社から受ける配当等の益金不算入 Dividends received deduction (foreign) 3. 所得税額の控除 Income tax
credit |
1. 資産の評価益の益金不算 Exclusion of asset
valuation gain 2. 完全支配関係のある他の内国法人から受けた受贈益 Exclusion of donations from 100% group company 3. 還付金等の益金不算入 Exclusion of tax refunds 4. 資産の評価損の損金不算入 Disallowance of
asset valuation loss 5. 役員給与の損金不算入 Disallowance of
director's compensation 6. 過大な使用人給与の損金不算入 Disallowance
of excessive employee compensation 7. 寄附金の損金不算入 Disallowance of
donations 8. 法人税額等の損金不算入Disallowance of
corporate income taxes 9. 外国子会社から受ける配当等に係る外国源泉税等の損金不算入 Disallowance of
foreign withholding taxes on dividends from foreign sub 10. 法人税から控除する所得税額の損金不算入 Disallowance of personal income tax credit against
corporate income tax 11. 不正行為等に係る費用等の損金不算入 Disallowance of expenses related to fraud 12. 青色申告の繰越欠損金 Utilization of NOLs
for blue form return filers 13. 減価償却費の償却超過額、引当金の繰入限度超過額、準備金の積立限度超過額等 Disallowance of depreciation or
provision for allowance/reserve in excess of limit 14. 交際費等の損金不算入Disallowance of
entertainment expenses |
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